Hello Everyone !
If you use Cubase and use virtual instruments you certainly know the expression maps, which allow you to move from one articulation to another more clearly, it is a very practical tool which allows you to keep your editor very clear and the scores without all the notes corresponding to the keyswitches…
On the other hand, to create them it can really be very long and laborious, each instrument having particularities which do not correspond to the others and you can find yourself spending hours trying to enter all the articulations… on the other hand, once done it’s is happiness!
There must be many of us racking our brains to create them, and I looked on the internet to see if there were any to download, there are some for certain instruments on the Cubase website here, but not for Spitfire instruments symphonic orchestra…
So since I finished them and it’s really stupid that we all waste time doing the same thing, here they are for download…
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